With the art works from the collection of the Frac Champagne- Ardennes of : Caroline Achaintre, Saâdane Afif, Sylvie Auvray, Eva Barto, Claude Closky, François Curlet, Natalie Czech, Honoré D'O, Michel Dheurle, Jimmie Durham, Latifa Echakhch, Robert Filliou, Dan Graham, Raymond Hains, Hippolyte Hentgen, Pierre Huyghe, Pierre Joseph, André Léocat, Elsa Maillot, Nick Mauss & Ken Okiishi, Allan McCollum, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Laurent Montaron, Jean Noël, Emilie Pitoiset, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Clément Rodzielski, Glenn Rubsamen, Lara Schnitger et Joëlle Tuerlinckx.
Image Without a Center
Natasha Marie Llorens
Emmanuelle Lainé’s recent commissioned project at FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.), tries to fold the entire building that houses the FRAC back onto itself, or, to stage an elegant semiotic disaster. Photographed scenes from a 17th-Century Jesuit college library and its refectory—part of the same complex of chambers as those occupied by the FRAC—are blown up to scale and used to resurface sections of the white gallery walls. By means of sophisticated architectural rendering software, Lainé produces photo-murals that break the otherwise frontal, two-dimensional logic of photography. The perspective internal to each photo-mural shifts as the viewer approaches it, morphing to accommodate multiple points of entry to its representational universe. The effect is that of light vertigo, a feeling only barely attenuated by the (Real) art objects from the FRAC collection that are placed throughout the gallery or captured in the photo-mural renderings.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.

Emmanuelle Lainé, Frac Champagne-Ardennes, exhibition view 2018.