The site-specific installation consists of a large-scale photo wallpaper that contains architectural features of the exhibition space and simulates spatial continuity. The clothes hanging from the ceiling testify past human presence. Emmanuelle Lainé's work deals with the relationship between art, economic productivity and digital technologies, as well as the boundary between private and professional life. The room is densely covered with yoga mats, on which, however, there are no participants of a class, but office items, household goods and some personal belongings. The yoga course should actually serve to balance and relax after work, but instead, work and leisure culture merge here. This combination can be read as a criticism of new work models with the authoritarian promise of more freedom and flexibility, though personal distinction is no longer possible. Thereby the installation starts a direct dialogue with the exhibition space, its geometry, history and the people who work there. A dystopian space opens up that tells of the exploitation of workers in capitalist economic systems.
De saines habitudes de travail pour que les gestionnaires occupés restent dans cet état de conscience pure.
"Healthy Work Habits to Keep Busy Managers in this State of Pure Awareness”, site specific photo and objects installation, "Architecture of Deception" Group show, by Sam Bardaouil and Till Ferath, at BNKR Munchen (March 2020-April 2021)